About Mike Taylor

12ft kitchen dining table

Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor’s carpentry career first began in Missouri City, TX, and eventually took him around the country working for an environmental remediation company, but 15 years of constant travel was tough for a family man. When he decided it was time to come home every night after work in 2020, he started creating his own business plan.

With a solid idea and the skills to back it up, Island Crown, LLC was born! “I’ve found a market in this beachfront area for outdoor entertainment and privacy work, such as tiki bars, furniture, louvered walls, etc. I’m able to deliver a unique quality product to my customers,” says Mike.


My inspiration is my determination to succeed on my own. We admire those with a hardworking spirit who forge their own way forward, especially with a unique product offering. Mike's advice for those looking to develop their own skilled trade business ideas is to "find that special trait that sets you apart from the pack. Whatever you’re making, find a way to make it better than you thought it should be made."


We know that opening your own business is no small feat. For Mike, the hardest part was the learning curve – especially for the aspects that fall outside of his skilled trade experience. "Learning how to find and promote my work, how to improve the quality of my products and most importantly, learning what I should and should not be doing. I’ve taken on jobs that I shouldn’t have, but I’ve also stepped into new directions that I never expected to be in."


As someone who spends all day on their feet, Mike could be considered somewhat of a work boot connoisseur – he even keeps three pair of boots in his regular rotation, two of our American Heritage 6" Safety Toe Wedges in Tobacco and another pair in black! "Thorogood Boots help my feet remain safe and comfortable whether I’m climbing flights of stairs all day, loading material at the lumber yard, or working in a finished bathroom."

My Work

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